Arkansas County Fair food preservation news | Stuttgart Daily Leader

2022-08-12 20:39:38 By : Ms. Sunny Pan

Editor’s note: The URL for the National Center for Home Food Preservation has been updated from an earlier version of this story.

Arkansas County citizens are invited to exhibit their preserved foods at the Arkansas County Fair “Arkansas County Nights and Carnival Lights” from Sept. 13 through 17, 2022. Preserved Foods should be entered on Monday, Sept. 12 from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Preserved food entries should comply with the current United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines for safety in food preservation.

The following rules apply:      

For more information about canning/preserving food at home or to make an appointment to get your pressure canner dial gauge checked for proper use, contact Alta Lockley, CEA-4-H/Family & Consumer Sciences at the Arkansas County Extension Office at (870)659-2058. 

For more information about Arkansas County Fair events refer to the fair tabloid. Tabloids will be available after Aug. 10 at the Arkansas County Extension Office, 1009 Liberty Drive, DeWitt.

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